Wednesday 27 April 2011

Nelson Mandela:

- Nelson Mandela was born on the 18th of July 1918 (Aged 92 today)
- He was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election
- Before he was president he was a anti-apartheid activist which lead to his arrest in 1962
Nelson Mandela's prison cell
- He was sentenced to a life in prison
After serving 27 years in prison Nelson Mandela became president
- Nelson Mandela spent 18 of his 27 years imprisoned on Robben Island
As you can see from this picture his prison cell was very basic:

While Nelson Mandela was in prison 
his reputation grew and he became well respected.
In prison he undertook study with the university of London and received the degree of Bachelor of laws
Nelson Mandela being released from the Victor Verster prison in Paarl
On the 11th of February 1990 Nelson Mandela was released from prison. It was a huge  event and was broadcast live all over the world.

Nelson Mandela’s


- Peacemaking = He helped to create peace between the white and black people
- Determined = He was very determined as he changed the way the world thinks about different races being treated
- Giving = Nelson Mandela was giving because he gave up 27 years of his life to get rid of the apartheid laws. After doing this it allowed equal things for all races of people in Africa
- Leadership = Nelson Mandela showed leadership when he became the president of South Africa in 1994 
Good public speaker =  Nelson Mandela was a very confident public speaker

What Key Events Showed Nelson Mandelas Leadership Style? 

1962 = Arrested after living on the run and imprisoned in the Johannesburg Fort.
1964 = Captured at the age of 46 and sentenced to a life in prison 
1990 = Nelson Mandela is released from prison after 27 years
1991 = Becomes President of the African National Congress ( ANC )
1994 = The first time South Africans are allowed to vote for president. Nelson Mandela tries for president. He succeeds and becomes the first black president of South African.
1995 = South Africa wins the rugby world cup. Nelson Mandela is presented with a team jersey. This is seen as bonding between the white and black people of south Africa.
1990 = Nelson Mandela steps down from president

How did Nelson Mandelas life influence others?

Nelson Mandela influenced other peoples lives by standing up for what he believed in. He taught the people of Africa that all races should be treated with equal respect. Nelson Mandela also abolished the apartheid laws and cruel slavery punishments. In doing this he influenced many peoples lives. Now because of Nelson Mandelas actions all races of people in South Africa are treated with equal respect. 

History of the 20th Century By Richard Overy

Internet Sites

How do people view Nelson Mandela and why?

Today Nelson Mandela is viewed by others as a sort of hero. People view him with lots of respect especially the people of South Africa. People view him like this because he changed the way different races of people are treated. 
Some views of people about Nelson Mandela today:

"I think that he is a extremely important man as he made all races of people in South Africa equal."

"I treat him with lots of respect as after he was put in prison for over 27 years he became the president of south Africa."

"I think he is a huge hero in the world today because he got rid of the apartheid laws in South Africa and made all races of people equal."

Nelson Mandela views from 08/05/11:

Nelson Mandela is my hero! We need more leaders like him.


He was a great leader of the anti-apartheid movement.


I didn't know much about Nelson Mandela but now I do.


I don't care for him.


How did people view Nelson Mandela and why?

People viewed Nelson Mandela as a role model and a leader. People respected and looked up to him. He was viewed this way because he became the first black president of South Africa. This was a huge step for South Africa at the time. Nelson Mandela was also viewed as a role model and a leader because he abolished the apartheid laws and created a country where all people of different races are treated with equal respect.  


From the information I have gathered I can conclude that Nelson Mandela was a strong leader who people respected. Many people viewed him as a role model and someone to look up to. He was a very effective leader who achieved a lot in his time of being president. Overall Nelson Mandela was a hero to the people of South Africa and the rest of the world.  

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